Astronomical League Site Map

Astronomical League Site Map

The Astronomical League Home Page

  • Timely Information for Upcoming Celestial Events
  • Astronomical League News Blog
  • About the Astronomical League
  • Aids – Information to help member societies of the Astronomical League
  • Astronomical League Officers – Information about presidents of the Astronomical League
  • Astronomy Day – Information on past Astronomy Days
  • Astronomical League By Laws and Standing Resolutions
  • Contact Us – Information on how to contact officers and other leaders in the Astronomical League
  • Conventions – Information about past Astronomical League conventions
  • General Information – Information about the Astronomical League
  • History of the Astronomical League – A narrative history of the Astronomical League
  • Membership – How to join the Astronomical League
  • Observing Program Division – Information on the Observing Program Division of the Astronomical League
  • Our Regions – information about the Astronomical League’s Regions
  • Reflector – Issues of the Reflector magazine
  • Astronomical Societies – Information about member societies of the Astronomical League
  • Astronomical League Store
  • Celestial Savings – vendors that provide savings to Astronomical League members

  • List your Events
  • Calendar
    Observe – Pages of the Observing Program Division

  • General Information:
  • Active Galactic Nuclei
  • Advanced Binocular Double Star
  • Advanced Observer Award
  • AL Observing Challenges
  • Alternate Constellations
  • Analemma
  • Arp Peculiar Galaxies (Northern)
  • Arp Peculiar Galaxies (Southern)
  • Asterism
  • Asteroid
  • Astronomy before the Telescope
  • Bennett
  • Beyond Polaris
  • Binocular Double Star
  • Binocular Master Observer Award
  • Binocular Messier
  • Binocular Variable Star
  • Bright Nebula
  • Caldwell
  • Carbon Star
  • Citizen Science
  • Comet
  • Constellation Hunter (Northern and Southern)
  • Dark Nebula
  • Dark Sky Advocate Award
  • Deep Sky Binocular
  • Double Star
  • Earth Orbiting Satellite
  • Flat Galaxy
  • Foundations of Imaging
  • Galaxy Groups and Clusters
  • Galileo and Binocular Galileo
  • Galileo’s TOES
  • Galileo’s TOES II
  • Globular Cluster
  • Herschel 400
  • Herschel II
  • Herschel Society
  • Hydrogen Alpha
  • Imaging – Bennett
  • Imaging – Caldwell
  • Imaging – Messier
  • Jupiter
  • Library Telescope Award
  • Local Galaxy Group and Neighborhood
  • Lunar and Binocular Lunar
  • Lunar Evolution
  • Lunar II
  • Mars
  • Master Imager Award
  • Master Observer Award
  • Master Observer – Silver Award
  • Master Observer – Gold Award
  • Master Observer – Platinum Award
  • Master Observer Progression
  • Mentor Award
  • Messier
  • Meteor
  • Multiple Star
  • NASA Observing Challenges
  • Nova
  • Observer Award
  • Occultation
  • Open Cluster
  • Outreach Award
  • Planetary Nebula
  • Planetary Transit Special Awards
  • Radio Astronomy
  • Sketching
  • Sky Puppy
  • Solar Eclipse Challenges
  • Solar Neighborhood
  • Solar System and Binocular Solar System
  • Southern Skies Binocular
  • Southern Skies Telescope
  • Spectroscopy
  • Stellar Evolution
  • Sunspotters
  • Target NEO
  • Two in the View
  • Universe Sampler
  • Urban
  • Variable Star
  • Youth Astronomer
    Questions? – Ask a Master Observer
    Contacts – Officers and more…
    Reflector Magazine
    Regions and Clubs:

  • AL Regions
  • Astronomical Societies:  (under construction)
    Return to Astronomical League Home Page.

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