Observing Program Division Announcement – Silver Level for Youth

The Youth Astronomer Observing Program has been split into the Silver and Gold Levels.  This program is a stepping stone for young astronomers (17 years old or younger) to dip ther feet into the Astronomical League’s Observing Programs.  Only 25 observations are required from 5 different programs.  For full details check out their updated web page:

Youth Astronomer Observing Program

Observing Program Division Upcoming Event – Newgrange Solstice Sunrise

Newgrange, an archaeoastronomical site located in the Boyne Valley, Ireland is a tomb built during the Neolithic period, around 3200 BC (making it older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids). It was built to celebrate the solstice sunrise.  Not planning to travel to Ireland?  Then this is the next best thing.
Here are links to the Newgrange solstice sunrise livestream three-day event.  This livestream from Newgrange is something not to be missed.  The events begin at 3:45 am Eastern Time.  (8:45 UTC)
The Office of Public Works (OPW), in partnership with the National Monuments Services (NMS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, is delighted to announce that it will once again live-stream the Winter Solstice Sunrise from within the chamber at the Neolithic passage tomb of Newgrange. This phenomenal event can be viewed live each morning from the 20th to 22nd December on gov.ie/opw and heritageireland.ie
Thanks to Bob Kerr, Binocular Double Star Coordinator, for bringing the details of this event to our attention.

Observing Program Division Announcement – NEW NASA Observing Challenge

As was announced at the Virtual AL-Con, we have a new Observing Challenge Special Award.  In cooperation with NASA’s International Observe the Moon Night, we are presenting this new challenge.  The target night for your observations is October 16, 2021.  For complete details, visit our website by clicking here

There is also a downloadable certificate for all who participate in the Internation Observe the Moon Night.  Click here.

ALCON 2021 Virtual


Sessions start at 3 pm and 8 pm on August 19, 20, and 21.







Observing Program Division Announcement – Mars & Mercury Conjunction

Although not as close as the Grand Conjunction, and admitedly not as grand, on August 18, 2021, we will be treated to a pretty cool conjunction of Mars and Mercury.  They will be under 8 arcminutes apart, but may be a bit of a challenge.  At sunset, they will be at 10 degrees (one fist-width above the horizon) and 273 degrees azimuth (basically west).  They should fit in one field of view for most telescopes at modest power.

Although not part of any of the Astronomical League Observing Programs or Awards, well worth the effort to see this jewel.

Observing Program Division Announcement – Definitions

If you are working on one of the Astronomical League’s Observing Programs, it is important for you to understand the specific definitions that will help you meet the requirements of the various Observing Programs.  These web pages will help guide you:

  • https://test.astroleague.org//observing.html
  • https://test.astroleague.org/terms-common-usage-observing

They discuss what we mean by Seeing and Transparency.  It discusses Manual Observations vs. Go-To Telescopes vs. Remote Telescopes.

Happy Observing.


AUGUST 19-21, 2021
Registration for our virtual convention is now open at the following link. IT’S FREE!! The convention features virtual tours, professional and youth speakers, a Slooh presentation, all 2020 and 2021 youth and general award presentations, over $3,000 in door prizes donated by our member clubs, our League business meeting, an international star party, and a keynote address by Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, discoverer of pulsars. To be eligible, you must register your name and email address. It only takes a minute to do, and League membership is not required.
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