
ALCON 2022!

REGISTER FOR ALCON ’22! JULY 28-30, 2022


ALCON 2022 will be hosted by The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS) in Albuquerque, NM from 28 to 30 July 2022. We have some superb speakers lined up to tell you about astronomy and many related topics. You can meet and listen to Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, enjoy the dark skies that New Mexico provides, and visit the famous Karl Jansky Very Large Array. ALCON 2022 has much to offer you. Come join us!

Observing Program Division Request – On-Line Database

We need your help!  We would like to make sure that our on-line database is as accurate as possible.  Please take a few minutes and confirm that Observing Program certifications you have earned are represented.

We know that recent ones may not have had a chance to be entered yet, but submissions should have been made on 4/1/2022, so hopefully most of them have made it on-line.

If you find any discrepancies, please send an email to Aaron Clevenson at  We will do what we can to correct the issues.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Awards are shown in the Astronomy Club in which you were a member when you earned them.  If you moved to a new astronomy club, the awards earned in the former club cannot be transitioned.
  • If we have the wrong club associated with your award, this we can fix.  Sometimes we just get the wrong one entered.
  • If you see and missing certifications, we want to know about them.  We will have to confirm with the Coordinator, but we can fix this.
  • If we have your awards under two slightly different names, or if your name has changed, we can get them all listed under one name.  Be sure to tell us about all of the names you found, and also the name you prefer them to be listed under.
  • And also anything odd that you find (incorrect numbers, etc.) let us know.


Aaron Clevenson, Cliff Mygatt, Al Lamperti, Maynard Pittendreigh, and Marie Lott


If you wish to apply for a Master Observer’s plaque, you need to register for ALCON 2022 by May 25. As part of the registration, you should indicate that you are a Master Observer, provide your certificate number, and state that you have not received the Master Observer plaque. You will also need to register to attend the Awards Banquet on 30 July, during which the plaques will be presented. You can register online or by mail.

The registration web page is:

Observing Program Division Announcement – Silver Level for Alternate Constellations

The Alternate Constellations Observing Program has been split into Silver and Gold Levels.  Links have also been added to help you find more information on the various cultural and obsolete constellations.  Those members who have already earned the certification have received the Gold Level.  Only the 40 observations of Obsolete Constellations are required for the Silver Level..  For full details check out their updated web page:

Observing Program Division Announcement – Silver Level for Youth

The Youth Astronomer Observing Program has been split into the Silver and Gold Levels.  This program is a stepping stone for young astronomers (17 years old or younger) to dip ther feet into the Astronomical League’s Observing Programs.  Only 25 observations are required from 5 different programs.  For full details check out their updated web page:

Youth Astronomer Observing Program

Observing Program Division Upcoming Event – Newgrange Solstice Sunrise

Newgrange, an archaeoastronomical site located in the Boyne Valley, Ireland is a tomb built during the Neolithic period, around 3200 BC (making it older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids). It was built to celebrate the solstice sunrise.  Not planning to travel to Ireland?  Then this is the next best thing.
Here are links to the Newgrange solstice sunrise livestream three-day event.  This livestream from Newgrange is something not to be missed.  The events begin at 3:45 am Eastern Time.  (8:45 UTC)
The Office of Public Works (OPW), in partnership with the National Monuments Services (NMS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, is delighted to announce that it will once again live-stream the Winter Solstice Sunrise from within the chamber at the Neolithic passage tomb of Newgrange. This phenomenal event can be viewed live each morning from the 20th to 22nd December on and
Thanks to Bob Kerr, Binocular Double Star Coordinator, for bringing the details of this event to our attention.
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