
Observing Program Division Announcement – April 2024 Total Eclipse Special Observing Challenge

The Astronomical League is offering a Special Observing Challenge to commemorate the 2024 (April 8) Total Eclipse.  It is quite similar to the Annular Eclipse Challenge in 2023.  You should start collecting data for the Gold Level immediately (it requires at least 6 months of data).  For more information and all of the details, go to the website:

Observing Program Division Announcement – Reminder to do the 2023 Eclipse Challenge

The 2023 Annular Eclipse is behind us.  We hope that many of you were able to view it in person.  It is not too late to participate in this Observing Challenge, even at the Gold level, but you must begin the lunar observations at this time.

For more information and details, click on the web page:

Observing Program Division Announcement – Reminder of the International Observe the Moon Night

The Observe the Moon Night Observing Challenge is upon us.  Observations may be done from today through October 25, 2023.  Deadline for submission is November 21, 2023.

For details on the Challenge, click on:

For the downloadable certificate, click on:


Free Astronomy Text Book

The Astronomical League is pleased to bring you a free introductory text book in astronomy.  It covers Planetary Astronomy as well as Stellar and Galactic Astronomy.  It is designed to be used in High School Astronomy classes and Astronomy classes at Community Colleges.

It may be distributed widely, may be printed, and you can request a price check of a printed copy at cost from the author, Aaron Clevenson, at

It is available on the Astronomical League website on the Night Sky Tools page:

Covid Update From ALCon 2023

Covid Update From ALCon 2023
One more positive Covid test has been reported.  This makes a total of three  reported positive tests after ALCon 2023.
To repeat our suggestion from our 1st post a few days ago:  If you have any concern regarding a possible covid diagnosis, we strongly urge you to contact your medical team as soon as possible.
Carroll Iorg, President,
Astronomical League

ALCon 2023 COVID Exposures

To All ALCon 2023 Attendees:  Two Known Positive Covid Cases After ALCon 2023

Within the past 24 hours the League has been notified of two known positive cases of Covid after attendees returned home from ALCon.
While we assume that the number of positive cases is small, we will post updates on the League website and Facebook page as needed, if we receive further notifications.
I would strongly urge you to check with your medical team if you have any concerns about this situation.
Thanks and stay safe!
Carroll Iorg, President, Astronomical League
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