
Observing Program Announcement: AL goes Citizen Science

Have you ever done Citizen Science?  Would you like to do (more) Citizen Science?  Would you like to know more about what it is?  There are many ways to get involvedand the Astronomical League has decided to recognize our members who get involved.  To get more information on our Citizen Science Program and to find out how to get more involved, check out our website:


New NASA Observing Challenge Special Observing Award – Apollo’s 50th

In conjunction with NASA, the Astronomical League Observing Program Division has developed a new NASA Observing Challenge Special Observing Award to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo landing on the Moon.  This award will have a certificate, but no pin, and is available to members and non-members of the Astronomical League.  For more information, check out the award’s webpage:  Note that it has a deadline for submission.

ACEAP 2019 – Applications Deadline Extended

Are you interested in visiting some of the largest and most sophisticated observatories/telescopes in the world? Do you like sharing your knowledge and astronomical experiences with others? The check out the Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program at and APPLY TODAY! Deadline extended to March 24 at 11:59 PM.

The 2019 ACEAP Expedition to Chile will take place July 27 – August 5, and is open to US and international participants. Here are the basics:

  • The 2019 ACEAP Team will include a team of 10 individuals,
  • It is intended that five (5) slots will be supported by NSF funding (excluding air travel in Chile, and R/T air to Santiago) through the normal ACEAP application and review process. No additional fees will be charged. These 5 slots are open to those in the US or US Territory. Please note that while we anticipate NSF support for the 2019 Expedition, this has not yet been secured. We anticipate confirmation in the near future.
  • Four (4) slots will be made available to anyone in the US or abroad who has interest/experience in astronomy education/outreach. Their experience will have to be fully paid for by their institution or self-funded. Cost = $4200 USD excluding R/T airfare to Santiago. These will be filled on a first come first serve basis once initial qualifications have been met.
  • 1 slot will be awarded to a Chilean educator who is embedded on the team.
  • All 10 Ambassadors will be required to participate in pre-travel sessions and complete the outreach activities when they come home. In return each receives a $500 stipend.

Please visit the ACEAP at and apply TODAY.  Application deadline extended to Sunday, March 24 at 11:59 PM. 

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Members website shutdown

The members website is being shutdown.  Only a few hundred people have ever used the website.  All accounts are blocked and will be removed shortly.  All personal information on the website will be removed. This website will remain available. The digital Reflector archive is now on this website at 


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Your Astronomical League is giving away up to eleven Library Telescopes!

Through the vision of the Horkheimer Charitable Fund, the Astronomical League is again offering a free Library Telescope to a lucky Astronomical League club in each of the ten AL regions and to a Member-at-Large.

This wonderful program consists of an Orion 4.5 inch StarBlast Dobsonian or a Zhumell Z114 (or equivalent) and a Celestron 8-24 mm zoom eyepiece (or equivalent), and a name plate commemorating the late Jack Horkheimer. The value of this opportunity is approximately $300; the potential of the program is enormous.

Submit your completed entry form so that the Astronomical League national office receives it by June 30, 2019. If mailed, the entry must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2019. The winning entry for each region will be announced at ALCon 2019 held July 25-29. Full details of this wonderful program can be found at

The Library Telescope Program is a great club project, one that brings members together while benefiting their community. Indeed, it is the perfect outreach program!


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