
Observing Program Division Announcement – Imaging Caldwell Change and Additional Eclipse Resources

Two new updates:

ALCon 2023 Update – Room Reservations

As ALCon nears, the beautiful Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center has graciously offered to extend the special ALCon room rate until July 20th! If you haven’t yet booked your room, be sure to do so before this low rate expires.

Room Cutoff date has been extended until July 20th
Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center
201 Lafayette Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70801  

Standard Rooms
 ALCON Group Rate: $139.00, 
Booking Website:˜

Observing Program Announcement – New Imaging Opportunities

There are some new major changes in the Observing Programs at the Astronomical League, specifically aimed at imagers.  They affect the Master Observer Progression, specifically the Advanced Observer award, Messier, Caldwell, and Bennett Observing Programs.  If you are an imager and are interested in earning the awards in the Master Observer Progression, these are for you!

Why the changes:  If you are an Imager, previously you would not have been able to earn the higher awards in the Progression without doing the Messier Observing Program, manually and visually.  The Astronomical League recognizes that not everyone is a visual observer, and we value those who pursue imaging.

Changes #1, #2, and #3:  There are now versions of the Messier, Caldwell, and the Bennett Observing Programs specifically for Imagers:  Imaging – Messier, Imaging – Caldwell, and Imaging – Bennett.

Change #4:  The Master Imager Award may be used in the progression in place of the Master Observer Award.

Change #5:  The Advanced Observer Award for those who did not complete the Master Observer Award (but did do the Master Imager Award), will require that either the Imaging – Messier, Complete Messier (visual), Imaging – Bennett, or Bennett (visual) plus any version of the Herschel 400 Award be included in the list of completed Observing Programs for the imager.

Note:  Visual Observers are required to do a bit of imaging as part of their progression, and Imagers are required to do some visual observations as part of their progression.  Specifically, the Observer Award is required to earn the Advanced Observer Award.  Also, the Sketching Award is required of everyone pursuing the Master Observer – Silver Award.

So what does this all look like? 

Questions?  If you have any questions, please ask the Master Observer Progression Coordinator or any of the Observing Program Division Directors.

So what Observing Programs do you need to do?

Observer (total of 5 awards or more)

  • Required:
    • One of the Constellation Hunter Observing Programs.
    • One of the Messier (complete), Binocular Messier, or Bennet Observing Programs.
    • Lunar Observing Program (telescopic).
    • Solar System Observing Program.
  • Member’s Choice (choose one of these):
    • Galileo, Sketching, Sky Puppy, Youth Astronomer, Beyond Polaris, Two in the View, Universe Sampler, or Urban Observing Program.

Master Observer (total of 10 awards or more)

  • Required:
    • Messier (complete, visual) or Bennet (visual) Observing Program.
    • Lunar Observing Program (telescopic).
    • Double Star Observing Program.
    • Herschel 400 Observing Program.
  • Member’s Choice: Any additional five Observing Programs (full certification).

Binocular Master Observer (8 binocular awards or more)

  • Member may choose to complete any 8 of the AL’s Binocular certifications.

Master Imager (total of 10 awards or more, all must be done using Imaging)

  • Required:
    • Complete one of the Lunar Observing Programs.
    • Complete one of the Solar Observing Programs.
    • Complete either Solar System (Telescopic), Jupiter, or Mars Observing Program.
    • Complete any one of the Deep Space Observing Programs that may be done using Imaging.
    • Complete one of the Scientific Study Observing Programs.
  • Member’s Choice:
    • Any five additional Imaging Observing Programs.

Advanced Observer (total of 15 awards or more)

  • You must have completed the Observer Award.
  • If you have completed the Master Observer award:
    • 5 of your awards must be based on specific types of objects.
  • If you have completed the Master Imager award:
    • 5 of your awards must be based on specific types of objects.
    • You must have completed the Herschel 400.
    • You must have completed either the Imaging – Messier or the Imaging – Bennett Observing Program.

Master Observer – Silver (total of 20 awards or more)

  • You must have completed the Observer Award.
  • You must have completed the Master Observer Award or the Master Imager Award.
  • You must have completed the Advanced Observer Award.
  • Required:
    • Lunar II Observing Program.
    • Outreach Award (any level).
    • Sketching Observing Award.
    • Sunspotters Observing Program.

Master Observer – Gold (total of 30 awards or more)

  • You must have completed the Observer Award.
  • You must have completed the Master Observer Award or the Master Imager Award.
  • You must have completed the Advanced Observer Award.
  • You must have completed the Master Observer – Silver Award.
  • Required:
    • Herschel II Observing Program.
    • Outreach Award (at least the Stellar level).
    • Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Observing Award.
    • Stellar Evolution Observing Program.
    • Variable Star or Binocular Variable Star Observing Program.

Master Observer – Platinum (total of 40 awards or more)

  • You must have completed the Observer Award.
  • You must have completed the Master Observer Award or the Master Imager Award.
  • You must have completed the Advanced Observer Award.
  • You must have completed the Master Observer – Silver Award.
  • You must have completed the Master Observer – Gold Award.
  • Required:
    • Dark Sky Advocate Observing Award.
    • Outreach Award (Master level).
    • Target NEO Observing Award (advanced).
    • Radio Astronomy Observing Program (gold).
    • Asteroid (gold) or Comet (gold) Observing Program.

ALCon 2023 Notice:

ALCon 2023 Notice:

Any Master Observer who plans to attend ALCon 2023 and who has NOT received a Master Observer plaque at a previous ALCon needs to register before July 3. On your registration, please indicate on the “Checkout” page that you are a Master Observer and that you have NOT received your MO Plaque. This allows time for the plaque to be produced.

Observing Program Division – Web Site Information

Just an update to let you know that the Astronomical League Web Team has been doing a herculean effort to get the Observing Program related pages of the site fully functional.  We have come along way since the go-live.

If you see any mistakes, broken links, or missing content related to the Observing Programs, please send it to Aaron Clevenson at  Be sure to give enough detail that I can find the problem.

Thanks for your help.

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