
Know any potential Sky Puppies?

The Sky Puppies Observing Program has been modified to allow any AL member to sponsor any young astronomer (whether their child or not). They need to be under 11 years old.  This program is specifically designed to help children new to astronomy to dip their feet into astronomy without being overwhelmed by the technical aspects.  For more information and details of the observing program check out the web page:

Seeing, Transparency, and Go-To Telescopes

Are you working on an Observing Program or Observing Award with the Astronomical League?  Do you often wonder what some of the requirements mean?  These are now defined for you on the AL Website.  To get information, suggestions, and definitions, please click on the Observe Dropdown.  This will bring you to the Main Observing Programs Web Page.  As you scroll down the page, you will see a section about Terms in Common Usage.  This will provide you with the definitions used by the AL’s Observing Programs for “Highest Level”, Go-To Telescopes, Remote Telescopes, Seeing, and Transparency.  There is also a section to go to suggested simple scales for observers to use when they are making observations for Seeing and Transparency.  Enjoy.  Aaron Clevenson, Observing Program Director

Letter to Members of the Astronomical League Clubs

Dear Astronomy Colleagues:

Librarians across the country need your assistance to prepare the public for the August 21st solar eclipse!

Thanks to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (with additional help from Google,) over two million pairs of eclipse glasses will be distributed free through public libraries in anticipation of the solar eclipse.  More than 2,000 public libraries will receive a package of hundreds of free glasses, plus an information booklet on how to do public outreach about the eclipse (

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To all those with rooms reserved at the Parkway Plaza Hotel for the AstroCon2017 conference:

To all those with rooms reserved at the Parkway Plaza Hotel for the AstroCon 2017 conference:

Your hotel room(s) is still reserved, or in other words, none of you have lost your room(s).

Because of a reservation system change, some of the hotel’s reservation information is incomplete and the hotel needs everyone to contact them by May 1st to pay for the entire reservation.  For most attendees staying 6-7 nights, this will be $600-$700 plus taxes.  The minimum stay is 4 nights for $400 plus taxes.

Please call the hotel at 1-307-235-1777, Option 0 for reservations, and give them your credit/debit card number to pay for your room(s).  Please identify that you are in the ASTROCON block of rooms.

 We were aware of the May 1stdeadline as part of a contract with a new owner/manager of the Parkway a few months ago.  Our mistake was not informing all of you about this sooner and we are very sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

 We also want to make sure that we have a correct telephone number for everyone, as a representative of the hotel owner wants to reach out in an effort to confirm everyone’s reservation.

 If you have concerns after contacting the Parkway Plaza Hotel, please contact ASTROCON ASAP.  We look forward to meeting all registered guests at ASTROCON!

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In regards to room reservations for Astrocon 2017, the full non-refundable payment for the entire stay are due on or before May 1st, 2017

All Astrocon attendees staying at the Parkway were emailed a notice regarding this policy on 4/21.  The Parkway personnel are assuming that each guest has reserved lodging for a minimum of 4 nights.

This directive comes from the owners/managers of the hotel and NOT the ASTROCON committee.


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Eclipse 2017 – Checklists and Certificate

Eclipse Checklists and a downloadable Certificate are now available from the Astronomical League.  They can be found under the Observe dropdown list on the Downloadable Certificates web page.  You can also link to them here:

          Checklist (black and white)

          Checklist (color)

          Certificate for “I saw the Eclipse”

These checklists are designed to help you plan and accomplish your goals for the solar eclipse.  The eclipse is quite short, and to get all the observing in requires planning and preparation.  With the help of the checklists you can plan to catch it all.  The certificate is ideal for distribution at your Solar Eclipse events.

A Spanish version of the checklists will be coming soon.


Celestial Savings Program—Your Discount Purchasing Program

The Astronomical League is excited to announce its new Celestial Savings Program where all League members qualify for special discounts at participating vendors when purchasing equipment, accessories, or books. Please note that discount amounts may vary by vendor and by items purchased. 

Click on “Celestial Savings” menu tab at the top of this page to obtain the celestial savings code or password. You will then see a listing of the participating vendors, the discounts they offer for their products, their current discount code numbers, their website URLs, and, if appropriate, telephone numbers. Simply provide the appropriate discount code number to the vendor’s salesperson or include it in your website order.

We encourage you to share the existence of the Celestial Savings Program with your astronomy friends, AL members or not. However, please do not share discount codes with anyone.

You’re not an AL member? Contact an AL member astronomy club in your area and join through them. You’ll find AL dues to be very reasonable, and many local clubs pay them for you. The Astronomical League also has a member-at-large program detailed at general/memblarg.html. For additional AL membership details and benefits, visit and click the “Join” tab.

Questions? Write to the Celestial Savings director at

Globe at Night and Earth Hour: two causes with a common goal

On Saturday, March 25, join hundreds of millions of people around the world and turn off your lights for one hour to show your commitment to the planet, the starry night sky and our collective fight against climate change and light pollution. Participate in Globe at Night before, during and after Earth Hour (Saturday, March 25, 8:30-9:30pm local time). There’s never been a more timely and important moment for the world to stand in solidarity for the protection of our planet and the starry sky above. To learn more, visit &

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Master Observer Network

Are you a Master Observer?  Have you signed up for the Master Observer Network yet?  If not…  Now is the time to join with your fellow Master Observers.  This is an email list server that anyone can use to ask an astronomical question.  The questions then go out to those on the list.  We Master Observers have a wealth of experience-based knowledge and this is an opportunity to let others benefit from that knowledge.  People only see your email if you choose to respond.  If you are willing, we would like to have all of our Master Observers on the list.  Please send a note to the keeper of the list, Aaron Clevenson, at  Be sure to say you want to be on the Master Observer List, and include your Master Observer number.  Thanks and welcome to the community.

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