August 2022

Observing Program Division Announcement – Coordinators Needed

It is once again time to search for Coordinators for some of our Observing Programs.  Although the list of open positions may grow, currently we are looking for members who are interested and willing to help as an Observing Program Coordinator.  We will begin the selection process in January 2023, but you may submit your name and for which Coordinator roles you are interested to Aaron Clevenson, Observing Program Director, at any time:

These Observing Programs and Awards are in need of a new Coordinator:

  • Bennet Observing Program
  • Galileo’s TOES Certification
  • Galileo’s TOES-II Certification
  • Jupiter Observing Program
  • Mentor Award
  • NASA Observing Challenge Certification
  • Solar Eclipse Special Observing Award – 2024 (planned, not yet approved)
  • Solar Neighborhood Observing Program
  • and potentially others…

The Job Description for an Observing Program Coordinator can be found at:

Observing Program Division Announcement – Solar Neighborhood Observing Program

This year at the AL-Con in Albuquerque the Council approved two new Observing Programs.  One of them is the Solar Neighborhood Observing Program.

The Solar Neighborhood OP is intended to introduce observers to the stars located near our Sun.  For more information, check out the Solar Neighborhood OP web page.

Observing Program Division Announcement – Bennett Observing Program

This year at the AL-Con in Albuquerque the Council approved two new Observing Programs.  One of them is the Bennett Observing Program.

The Bennett OP is a direct substitute for the Messier OP for those south of the equator.  For more information, check out the Bennett OP web page.

Bennett Observing Program

The Bennett OP may be used in place of Messier OP for the Master Observer Award.

August Sky Charts and Events

Check out these files for the June sky charts and significant events in August.


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