October 2019

Observing Program Announcement: NASA Observing Challenge – Mercury Transit, due by 12/11

In conjunction with NASA we are commemorating the Mercury Transit with a NASA Special Observing Challenge.  For more information check out the NASA Observing Challenge website:  https://test.astroleague.org//programs/nasa-observing-challenges-special-awards-introduction

This is an electronic certificate that is emailed to those who meet the requirements.  The deadline for submission is 12/11/2019.  You do NOT need to be a member of the Astronomical League to earn this certificate.

Note:  There is also an Astronomical League Special Observing Award.  This is a pin and certificate that can be earned by Astronomical League members.  Check out the requirements on the web page:  https://test.astroleague.org//PlanetaryTransit_Venus2012

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