May 2016

Transit of Mercury

Reminder:  Tomorrow morning (in the US) is the Transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun.  This is a somewhat rare event and if your skies are clear be sure to check it out.  Don’t ever look at the sun without proper protective filtering.  Mercury will be too small to see with welder’s glass or eclipse glasses.

Also, remember that we have a Special Observing Award for the transit:

Good luck.  Aaron


Thanks to one of our Observing Program Coordinators, Vince Foster, this is a link to a great article on the Apparition of Mars (going on now…).

Enjoy.  Aaron

Observing Program Director – going off-line

From now until the end of August, if you have any needs related to the Astronomical League’s Observing Programs and Awards, please work directly with the Coordinators.  If you have needs that they can’t solve, then please address all emails to the other Observing Program Director, Cliff Mygatt at  Thanks.  have a great summer, and do lots of observing.  Aaron Clevenson

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