January 2016

Dr. Tim Brown to receive distinguished Watson Medal

Long time Longmont Astronomical Society (CO) member, Tim Brown, is to receive an award, the “James Craig Watson Medal for Astronomy, from the National Academy of Sciences on May 1st in Washington DC. The award recognizes Tim for “his visionary scientific and technical advancements that have been critical to the fields of helioseismologyasteroseismology, and the emerging field of spectroscopy of transiting exoplanets, and for his critical role in helping a new generation of scientists and facilities to succeed”.  For more info see the press release at the Las Cumbres Observatory website, http://lcogt.net/blog/dr-tim-brown-to-receive-distinguished-watson-medal/

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Last Call -Coordinators Needed

If you are interested in helping the AL as an Observing Program Coordinator, we need to hear from you by Friday 1/15/2016.  We are beginning to contact those we have already heard from.  These programs are in need of a leader:  Analemma, Double Star, Galileo, and Sky Puppy Observing Programs.  Please send an email to Aaron Clevenson, Observing Program Director, at aaron@clevenson.org

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