Shapey-Sawyer Globular Cluster Concentration Classifications

Globular Cluster Observing Program Coordinator:

Bob Kerr
7300 Bristol Village Drive, #113
Bloomington, MN 55438
(952) 944-7743

Globular Club Logo

All images are in the Public Domain.

Class I – High concentration of stars towards the center

Messier 80


Class II – Dense central concentration of core stars

Messier 2


Class III – Strong inner concentration of core stars

Messier 54


Class IV – Intermediately rich concentration of core stars

Messier 15


Class V – Intermediate concentration of core stars

Messier 13


Class VI – Intermediately mild concentration of core stars

Messier 3


Class VII – Intermediately loose concentration of core stars

Messier 22


Class VIII – Rather loose concentration of core stars

Messier 14


Class IX – Loose concentration of core stars

Messier 12


Class X – Very loose concentration of core stars

Messier 68


Class XI – Almost no concentration of core stars

Messier 55

Class XII

Palomar 12

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