Interested in ALCon 2017 (ASTROCON)? Plan NOW!

You probably know that hotel accommodations in Casper, WY during ALCon 2017 (ASTROCON 2017) are in short supply. But there are rooms left – at least for now.

Please follow this procedure for securing a room. If you haven’t booked a room already, please do not delay. We do not know how long the remaining rooms will last!

1. Go to the ASTRONCON 2017 website

2. Register for ASTROCON 2017.

3. When you receive a registration confirmation email, and if you want a hotel room, please respond to the email by requesting a room.  You will then receive an email from a member of the ASTROCON planning committee (usually Chair Lowell Lyon) and given a code. You will be directed to a hotel and given the phone number to call.

4. When you call that particular hotel, they will ask you for your ASTROCON code.

This procedure is necessary to avoid non-ALCon (ASTROCON) attendees from booking the block of rooms set aside for ALCon attendees. Yes, it does happen!

You probably know that hotel accommodations in Casper, WY during ALCon 2017 (ASTROCON 2017) are in short supply. But there are rooms left – at least for now.

Please follow this procedure for securing a room. If you haven’t booked a room already, please do not delay. We do not know how long the remaining rooms will last!

1. Go to the ASTRONCON 2017 website

2. Register for ASTROCON 2017.

3. When you receive a registration confirmation email, and if you want a hotel room, please respond to the email by requesting a room.  You will then receive an email from a member of the ASTROCON planning committee (usually Chair Lowell Lyon) and given a code. You will be directed to a hotel and given the phone number to call.

4. When you call that particular hotel, they will ask you for your ASTROCON code.

This procedure is necessary to avoid non-ALCon (ASTROCON) attendees from booking the block of rooms set aside for ALCon attendees. Yes, it does happen!

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