Beyond Polaris Certificate Checklist

Beyond Polaris Observing Certificate Checklist

Send the completed checklist to the Coordinator:

Maynard Pittendreigh
1281 Serena Drive
Winter Park FL 32798
Telephone: 321-400-4312

Your Name: ______________________________
Your Astronomy Club: ______________________________
Your Address: ______________________________
Your Email Address: ______________________________
Your Phone Number: ______________________________
Send Certificate to: _____ You
  _____ Your Awards Coordinator
Coordinator’s Name: ______________________________
Coordinator’s Address: ______________________________

REQUIREMENTS:  (Check box on left and enter date and time when completed.)

  A. Basic Background Information    
  [     ] 1. Keep a log including notes of each requirement (observations and new knowledge).​  __________   __________
  [     ] 2. Understand Star Party Etiquette & create your own Sky Kit (things to take to a star party).  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 3. Tell 2 mythical constellation stories.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 4. Research the Milky Way Galaxy, and what it should look like in the night sky.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 5. Draw a sketch of the solar system identifying the planets.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 6. Learn a unique characteristic about each planet.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 7. Explain the difference between an asterism and a constellation.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 8. Explain Binary Stars and Star Clusters (open and globular).  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 9. What is the meaning of circumpolar?  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 10. What is the Messier Catalog? Who was Messier and how many objects are in the list?  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 11. What is a Nebula? (Emission and Reflection)  __________   __________ 
  B. Looking at Stars and Constellations    
  [     ] 1. Draw by freehand 15 Constellations.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 2. Locate and identify three constellations (Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Leo, Orion, The Southern Cross, Cygnus, or others).  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 3. Locate and identify the North Star/Polaris using other constellations (Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, The Summer Triangle, or Orion).  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 4. Locate two planets in the night sky.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 5. Demonstrate use of a Planisphere.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 6. Identify Major Stars and Objects in 15 constellations.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 7, Observe 1 deep space objects with the naked eye (M45 – the Pleiades, The Hyades in Taurus, M42 – the Orion Nebula, M44 – the Beehive in Cancer, M41 in Canis Major).  __________   __________ 
  C. The Moon    
  [     ] 1. Sketch the seven phases of the moon.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 2. Identify three Moon Maria (seas).  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 3. Sketch the Man, the Rabbit, and the Woman in the Moon.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 4. Explain Lunar and Solar Eclipses and draw a diagram.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 5. What is definition of the Terminator (on the Moon)?  __________   __________ 
  D. Meteor Showers, Shooting Stars, Falling Stars, Zingers    
  [     ] 1. Understand the definitions and the difference between Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 2. Identify 3 major Meteor Showers and the dates when they occur.  __________   __________ 
  E. Protecting our Dark Skies    
  [     ] 1. Evaluate your personal property related to reducing Light Pollution.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 2. Learn about Watts, Lumens and Kelvin (color) of light bulbs.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 3. Educate others on the importance of proper and appropriate outdoor lighting. Include the value of Dark Skies and proper lighting to cost savings, wildlife, human health and enjoyment of the sky.  __________   __________ 
  F. Future Planning    
  [     ] 1. Document in your log information about the next star party which you plan to attend.  __________   __________ 
  [     ] 2. Review the Astronomical League Observing Programs.  __________   __________ 


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