Using Comets as Space Probes –

The guest speaker at the March meeting will be Dr. Paul Bryans, High Altitude Observatory, NCAR in Boulder.

The EUV emission resulting from comets’ passage through the solar atmosphere has opened many exciting avenues of study. The observations show the sublimated cometary material to interact with ambient magnetic field and highlight magnetic features that are not normally visible with EUV telescopes. In this talk, I will outline a model that describes the interaction of the cometary atmosphere with the quiescent solar background and results in EUV emission. After describing the emission process, I will go on to discuss what we have learned about the corona from these observations and speculate on what else comets can teach us about the Sun.

The meeting will be at the IHOP Restaurant, 2040 Ken Pratt Boulevard, Longmont, Please join us for  for coffee, dinner or just desert around 6 pm; The general meeting and presentation will begin at 7 pm.

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