Star Party @ Marsh Creek State Park

Join your neighbors at the lower parking lot at Marsh Creek State Park in Eagle, Chester County for an exciting evening exploring the wonders of the heavens.

Watch a sunset become a star-laced sky, view planets, star clusters and galaxies using our members’ telescopes and live view star cameras. There will be activities to thrill and challenge all ages, so don’t miss out!

The Marsh Creek parties, held near 1st Lunar Quarter focus on observing the Moon, the Planets and bright deep sky objects.

Potential targets for tonight include: The Moon; planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn; planetary nebulae Cat’s Eye and Turtle; globular clusters M3 and M13 all depending on sky conditions

This event is free of charge provided to the community by your neighbors who are members of the Chesmont Astronomical Society.

Because these events are clear, dark sky, weather dependent be sure to check our website after 5:00 pm for last minute schedule changes.

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