International Astronomy Day

Join us for our tenth annual International Astronomy Day event. IAD is celebrated throughout the world, and HRPO will be providing this event to the local area for the tenth consecutive IAD celebration at HRPO. This year the fun will be bolstered by Jupiter early in the afternoon, with Mars and Saturn making a quick appearance to close the event. Once again personnel will showcase not only a radio dish that allows astronomers to “hear” radio waves coming the Sun, but also a Renaissance sundial–it has a helical loop body instead of the standard triangular marker. Two local high schools that participated in the U.S. First Robotics Competition will have their robots here. There will two person-sized Hamster Balls and live music from celtic sensation Kitchen Session. Exhibitors will include the Baton Rouge Amateur Radio Club, Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, Baton Rouge Zoo, Civil Air Patrol, East Baton Rouge Parish Library, East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and the Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center. The MARS Van physical science outreach vehicle (a joint project of BREC and LSU) will be on site along with City Gelato, Louisiana Lemonade and a fire truck from the St. George District! [225-768-9948,,]

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