Fall Astronomy Day at Gantry Park!

Celebrate Fall Astronomy Day with Kuiper Kat’s Astronomy! Join us for some stargazing at the beautiful Gantry State Park in Long Island City, Queens, NY. We will meet at the lounge chairs on the pier, near the Pepsi-Cola sign.

ABOUT: Astronomy Day is a grass roots movement designed to share the joy of astronomy with the general population – “Bringing Astronomy to the People.” On Astronomy Day, thousands of people who have never looked through a telescope will have an opportunity to see first-hand what has so many amateur and professional astronomers all excited. Astronomy clubs, science museums, observatories, universities, planetariums, laboratories, libraries, and nature centers host special events and activities to acquaint their population with local astronomical resources and facilities.

DETAILS: https://test.astroleague.org//astronomyday/facts

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