DAS Book Club ZOOM Copenhagen by Michael Frayn

Delaware Astronomical Society Book Club meets via Zoom to discuss the play, “Copenhagen” by Michael Frayn, to mark the 100th anniversary of Niels Bohr’s Nobel Prize Award. Chair of the History Department of Union College, Mark Walker, will join us. Professor Walker, “researches and publishes on twentieth-century science, including science and technology under National Socialism and comparisons of science and technology in different political, cultural, and ideological contexts. He teaches modern European history, with special emphasis on modern German history and the history of ideas, the history of science and technology, with special emphasis on nuclear history, human evolution, and the interaction of science and technology with politics and ideology, and “Big History,” from the origin of the Universe to the present.” Members of the Astronomical League are welcome. To register for the event, please email Mary Webb dasbookclub@gmail.com

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