Bays Mountain StarFest

The 33rd StarFest at Bays Mountain Park is soon upon us. Expect beautiful fall colors, cooler weather, and lots of astronomy fun for this astronomical convention/star party. The event is hosted by the Bays Mountain Astronomy Club (BMAC) and the staff of Bays Mountain Park. It is being held on October 21-23, 2016. It is run as a non-profit event, so registration is as low as possible.
The theme of this year’s event is “The Marshall Space Flight Center.” Essentially, what does Marshall do and how do they support the astronomy science and space community?
Our fantastic keynote speakers have been hand-picked to represent the many facets of this extraordinary US facility. Please read the keynote speaker notes for an insight into what StarFest 2016 will provide.
This year includes four distinctive keynote speakers; five great meals; door prizes; the ever popular swap shop (no extra fee, but let us know to reserve a table); solar viewing; night-time observing (both private on Fri. and with the public on Sat., so bring your favorite scope); and the exceptional planetarium will be open. In addition to all the StarFest activities, there are public programs and activities available at the park, such as the wildlife exhibits, planetarium shows, barge rides, and plenty of trails to explore.
A unique facet of StarFest is a commemorative T-shirt with one-of-a-kind artwork that is included with each registration. Allen Davis from the Park’s exhibits staff has created a special, iconic design to represent this year’s theme. I know you’ll be pleased with the art.
This three-day long gathering is filled with great activities, but also makes sure there’s quality free time for you to explore the Park and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow StarFesters. Attendance will be limited and registration must be received prior to the deadline, Sept. 30, 2016. To be fair to our registered delegates, there are no walk-ins nor “visits.” Please complete the registration sheet for each person and mail, fax, or e-mail it in so we can see you in October. If you use a credit card, you can write it on the sheet or call me or Jason Dorfman and we can process it for you.

Adam Thanz – StarFest 2016 Chair

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