5th Annual Acadia Night Sky Festival Bar Harbor ME

The Acadia Night Sky Festival is a community celebration to promote the protection and enjoyment of Downeast Acadia’s stellar night sky as a valuable natural resource through education, science, and the arts.

Maine’s spectacular rocky coast is home to Acadia National Park, and some of the last pristine, star-filled night skies in the eastern United States.

Located in the communities surrounding Acadia National Park, the Acadia Night Sky Festival features many art, music, science, poetry, and stargazing events..

Here the Milky Way shines bright in the largest expanse of naturally dark sky, east of the Mississippi. As the rapid loss of dark skies to light pollution receives national recognition, Maine is increasingly referred to as some place “that still has stars.”

Discover Downeast Maine’s unique commitment to protecting the quality of its starlit nights. We invite you to help us enjoy and protect this inspiring resource for generations to come.

Web Site: http://www.acadianightskyfestival.com

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