Bays Mountain StarFest 2019

StarFest is a 3-day astronomical convention / star gathering in the heart of the Appalachians.
The theme of this year’s event is “Exploring the Spectrum.” All of our speakers do astronomical research in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. We’ll be learning about radio, infrared, high energy like gamma and x-rays, and gravity waves (yes, gravity waves aren’t really on the EM spectrum, but they do have a wavelength).
This year includes four distinctive keynote speakers; five great meals; door prizes; the ever popular swap shop; solar viewing; night-time observing (both private on Fri. and with the public on Sat., so bring your favorite scope); and the exceptional planetarium will be open. We’ll also have a twilight soirée on Friday.
In addition to all the StarFest activities, there are public programs and activities available at the park, such as the wildlife exhibits, planetarium shows, barge rides, and plenty of trails to explore.
A unique facet of StarFest is a commemorative T-shirt with one-of-a-kind artwork that is included with each registration. Lindsey Conrad, from the Park’s exhibits staff, has created a special design to represent this year’s theme. I know you’ll be pleased with the art.

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