Bays Mountain StarFest

It is the 35th anniversary of the Bays Mountain StarFest and the theme is “Celebrating 200 Years of American Women in Astronomy!”

It is the 200th birth anniversary of noted American astronomer Maria Mitchell. Our celebration though, has more to do with women in astronomy today. What better way to do this then by having all of our keynote speakers be women who do astronomy!

The event is:
October 12-14, 2018 and will be filled with all sorts of astronomical treats.
A non-profit, three-day, astronomical convention/star gathering hosted by the Bays Mountain Astronomy Club and Bays Mountain Planetarium.
Held at Bays Mountain Park & Planetarium, a City-owned park with 3,550 acres of nature preserve. We’ll be at the beginning of fall colors and the air should be dry. What better way to spend a wonderful, long weekend!

Our keynote speakers are:
Friday Night: Jennifer Sieben, Associate Instructor, Indiana University
Saturday Morning: Patty Seaton, Planetarium Specialist, H.B. Owens Science Center, MD
Saturday Evening: Caroline Simpson, Professor of Physics, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Sunday Morning: Carolyn Collins Petersen, Science Writer, CEO, Loch Ness Productions

The event includes:
Five scrumptious meals with yummy vegetarian options.
A unique, custom T-shirt.
The opportunity to sleep on Park premises at no extra cost. A discounted rate is also offered for the 4+ star MeadowView Marriott Resort located just down the road from the Park. There is a special rate.
Planetarium shows, observing, and much more!

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