Observing Program Awards Database

We use the database to determine when people have earned various levels in the Master Observer Progression; from Observer to Platinum.  We have noticed that some of you have more than one form of your name in the on-line database.  Please help us by checking your awards and send me an email (aaron@clevenson.org) if you have more than one form.  If they all have the same form of your name, then no need to email.

For example:  Aaron Clevenson, Aaron B. Clevenson, Dr. Aaron Clevenson, Aaron Clevenson Jr., or Erin Clevenson.

Please let me know the correct form to use and we will get all of your awards in the same form.

Be careful not to claim an award that belongs to someone else (son or daughter, same name, etc.).   🙂

Thanks for your help.


Aaron Clevenson

​Master Observer Progression – Coordinator

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