May 2021

Observing Program Division Announcement – Definitions

If you are working on one of the Astronomical League’s Observing Programs, it is important for you to understand the specific definitions that will help you meet the requirements of the various Observing Programs.  These web pages will help guide you:


They discuss what we mean by Seeing and Transparency.  It discusses Manual Observations vs. Go-To Telescopes vs. Remote Telescopes.

Happy Observing.


AUGUST 19-21, 2021
Registration for our virtual convention is now open at the following link. IT’S FREE!! The convention features virtual tours, professional and youth speakers, a Slooh presentation, all 2020 and 2021 youth and general award presentations, over $3,000 in door prizes donated by our member clubs, our League business meeting, an international star party, and a keynote address by Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, discoverer of pulsars. To be eligible, you must register your name and email address. It only takes a minute to do, and League membership is not required.
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