July 2019

Observing Program Announcement: Observing Programs Adopted by the AL Council

The Observing Program Division of the Astronomical League is pleased to announce that the Astronomical League Council approved two new Observing Programs and a Special Observing Award.  Our new observing opportunities are:

Watch for more information and web pages for these in the near future.

Fraudulent emails – beware!

Many of you are aware that there are people out there who are sending out fraudulent emails.  Sadly, we here at the Astronomical League, are not immune.  We have noticed a number of these emails lately.  Know that your League will never send out emails requesting money for unusual situations, nor ask you to take unusual actions.  If you receive one of these emails, do not respond, do not take actions requested in the emails, and do not click on any attachments.

If you receive an email, and feel it is fraudulent, send an email to one of your officers and ask for confirmation.  Do not become a victim.  

Aaron Clevenson (aaron@clevenson.org)

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