Educational Outreach Funding for the August Total Solar Eclipse: the Julena Steinheider Duncombe Mini-Grants Program

Does your club have an idea on how it can bring the science of the coming total solar eclipse to the public? Does your club need funding to do so? 

The American Astronomical Society is issuing a call for proposals for “mini” grants: “Engaging the Public with the Solar Eclipse.” Support for the mini grants is provided by the US National Science Foundation.

Complete details of this exciting public education opportunity can be found at 


December 2016 Digital Reflector Announcement has been sent

Announcement of the December 2016 digital edition of the Reflector has been emailed to all members. 

If you did not receive the announcement it is probably because:

  • Your email service provider has marked email from the League as spam; to prevent this add support@astroleague.org to your email service contact list
  • We do not have an email address for you
  • The email address we have for you is not valid 

If you did not receive a notice and you are a member of an affiliated club or a member-at-large, honorary or lifetime member send me an email  to webmaster@astroleague.org .

Let me know the name of your local club name or other affiliation and your first and last name and a current email and I’ll update your information.

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Participate in Astronomy Day, October 8!

Some people enter our wonderful hobby on their own, first reading books and magazines, later purchasing telescopes as they learn the night sky. Many others, though, are introduced to what lies above by someone who already owns a quality telescope – someone who has not just a good knowledge of the sky, but an exciting way of conveying enthusiasm to others, causing them to want to experience more.

That second path is what National Astronomy Day is all about. On two days each year, one in the spring and the other in the fall, and both just before a first quarter moon, amateurs across the country and around the globe cart out their equipment and unleash their passion on the public, showing what an amazing avocation amateur astronomy truly is.

The Astronomical League is here to help. Wouldn’t it be great if there were helpful aids assisting clubs and individuals in their Astronomy Day and outreach endeavors? There is – download the Astronomy Day Handbook. Wouldn’t it be great if there were materials answering many common questions the public may likely ask? There are – download the numerous Astronomical League Outreach Downloads in either handout or poster format. Wouldn’t it be great if there were inexpensive solar glasses through which people could view the sun? There are – check out the pertinent details for the eclipse glasses at League Sales.

Furthermore, wouldn’t it be great if clubs were recognized for their innovation and efforts in putting amateur astronomy directly in front of the public? The Astronomical League, with help from Sky and Telescope and the American Astronomical Society, presents three $150 cash awards, one each for the best event in a large, medium, and small populated service area. In addition, $50 is awarded to a club that consistently holds a quality event.

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