November 2015

Cross Browser Compatible

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut suscipit elit sed diam ultrices hendrerit. Vestibulum feugiat, urna eget ullamcorper tristique, est erat egestas diam, ac imperdiet libero neque sed velit. Curabitur fringilla tortor vitae nisi mattis, dignissim faucibus purus dictum. Sed vel volutpat sapien. Morbi quis tristique dolor. Fusce nec mattis diam. Duis rutrum vitae erat vel fringilla.

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Announcement: Master Observer Progression

The Astronomical League is excited to announce the new Master Observer Progression.  No change to the current Master Observer Observing Award, but new levels with new requirements.  There will be something for novices all the way through the most advanced observers.

New to astronomy?  Unsure where to start?  Start with the Observer Award!

Completed your Master Observer?  Wondering What to do next?  There are now new levels to which to aspire:  Advanced Observer Award, Master Observer – Silver Award, Master Observer – Gold Award, and Master Observer – Platinum Award.

The website explaining all the new levels and their requirements is coming soon…

New Open Cluster Coordinator

We have a new Coordinator for the Open Cluster Observing Program.  Cliff Mygatt, one of the National Observing Program Directors, is temporarily coordinating the program.  If you are working on the program and have questions or are ready to submit it, please be sure to check out the webpage for the current information.  (Of course it is a good idea in all observing programs to check the webpages to be sure you know the most current information…)

A big thank you to Benjamin Jones for many years of coordinating the program.

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