June 2011

American Astronomical Society’s Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award

Nominations for the American Astronomical Society's Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award are being accepted, with a deadline of June 30, 2011.
The award is made for an achievement in astronomical research made by an amateur astronomer; that is a person not employed in the field of astronomy in a professional capacity, and who is resident in North America. The key factor is that the work contributes to the advancement of the science of astronomy.
 The nominator should send basic information about the nominee (including contact information), a description of the achievement being singled out for recognition (including any scientific paper references), and a statement as to why this amateur and this work are worthy of the award.
 Nominations are welcome either electronically (aassec@aas.org) or by mail
 G.F. Benedict
 McDonald Observatory
 1 University Station
  Austin, TX 78712
 The nomination form is at http://aas.org/files/Chambliss_Award_Nomination_Form.pdf

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